Demand that Germany immediately stop sending weapons to Israel

UN Supreme Court dismissesThe UN Supreme Court dismisses the demand that Germany immediately stop selling weapons to Israel.

On Tuesday, the top court of the United Nations dismissed a request from Nicaragua that Germany immediately stop providing military assistance to Israel, stating that it was not authorised to impose emergency restrictions on Berlin due to its arms exports.

Judge Nawaf Salam, president of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), declared in The Hague, Netherlands, on Tuesday, "The court, by 15 votes to 1, finds that the circumstances as they present themselves to the court are not such as to require the exercise of its power under article 41 of the statute to indicate provisional measures." 

Nicaragua initiated the complaint against Germany. Supporter of the Palestinian cause for a long time, the Central American nation accused Germany of betraying its commitments as a signatory of the Genocide Convention by supporting Israel militarily, politically, and financially. It also accused Germany of cutting off funding to UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees.

Amidst claims that twelve workers of the UN agency participated in the October Hamas attack on Israel, Germany halted financing in January. Since then, it has been restored.

Although Israel did not take part in the case, Tuesday’s ruling comes at a time when the International Court of Justice (ICJ) is dealing with a separate case brought by South Africa against Israel. In January, the ICJ issued an interim ruling that ordered Israel to prevent “genocide” against Palestinians in Gaza. However, the ruling did not call for an immediate suspension of the military campaign, as requested by South Africa. The ICJ is still assessing whether Israel violated the Genocide Convention, which could take years to resolve. Stay with us for more on this developing story.

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